2024 Competition rules

MIPIM Asia Awards 2024 Competition rules RX France, a French joint stock company with a capital of 90,000,000 euros, having its registered offices at 52 Quai Dion Bouton 92800 Puteaux, France, registered with the Nanterre Companies Registry under n°410 219 364 (the “Organiser”) The Organiser is the official organiser of the MIPIM Asia 2024 Property Leaders Summit (hereafter “MIPIM Asia”) taking place on 3-4 December 2024 in Hong Kong, and of the related MIPIM Asia Awards 2024 (hereafter “MIPIM Asia Awards”). The competition rules of the MIPIM Asia Awards (hereafter “Rules”) are detailed hereafter.

Item 1: Competition categories and eligibility requirements

The competition is open to real estate projects located in the Asia Pacific region. Any developer, architect, retail company, city or local authority may enter the competition in one of the following 11 categories:

  • Best cultural, sports and education project
  • Best hospitality, tourism and leisure project
  • Best in-store experience
  • Best mixed-use project
  • Best office & business project
  • Best refurbished building
  • Best residential project
  • Best retail project
  • Best urban regeneration project
  • Best new development
  • Best new mega development

Item 2: Number of projects allowed

There is no limit on the number of submissions per company, and one entry can be in several categories as long as it meets all the eligibility requirements stipulated in the Rules and separate submissions are prepared.

Item 3: Pre-entry form

Companies wishing to enter the competition must complete and submit one online pre-entry form per project. The Organiser will verify each project’s eligibility and send a confirmation email.

If the project is managed by several companies, the company submitting the entry guarantees and warrants that

1. It is the sole initiator together with possible co-authors;

2. It holds all the rights for the presented projects and information related to the project;

3. It does not harm any potentially involved third party’s rights or anyone’s private life or likeness;

4. The project/idea does not infringe any law, especially copyright laws.

In case several companies submit the same project, they must reach an agreement to design one company only. If not, the Organiser reserves the right to keep the first received entry and reject the other ones. The Organiser will not be held liable in case of any conflicts between the companies.

Pre-entry form(s) must be completed in English and submitted online by 26th August 2024.

Item 4: Final entry form

If the submitted pre-entry meets the eligibility requirements for the next step of the competition, the Organiser will ask the entrant to submit the final entry form online, including the required materials, and the entry fee contract by 4th September 2024.

Final entry forms must be filled out in English.

Entrants expressly authorise the Organiser to use the information completed in the final entry form as well as the supporting materials for communication purposes if needed.

Item 5: Entry fee

5.1. Entry fee. Entrants must pay an entry fee of 650 USD per submitted project.

Entrants will receive the contract by e-mail. It will also be available online in the final entry form.

The entry fee contract must be signed and returned by 4th September, 2024 (the “deadline”).

If the contract is not completed, paid, signed and returned by the deadline, the entrant will not be authorized to participate in the MIPIM Asia Awards competition and the entry will not be reviewed by the jury.

The entry fee is not refundable, regardless of the results of the jury’s selection or in case of Force Majeure event preventing the event to be held onsite as the awards ceremony will be held in any case, physically or virtually.

5.2. Complementary fee for winners. If a project is shortlisted by the jury and is therefore part of the 39 winners, the entrant will be required to pay an additional fee of 4.365 USD, 30 days upon reception of the invoice by the Organiser.

This fee is mandatory and includes:

  • One entry pass to MIPIM Asia Summit
  • One seat at the MIPIM Asia Awards Gala Dinner
  • The promotion of the project before, during and after the show.

If the entrant refuses to pay this fee, the project will be removed from the winners’ list right away.

If MIPIM Asia Summit cannot be held physically  due to any other situation outside the Organiser’s control, and/ or any Force Majeure event the complementary fee for winners will be adapted accordingly.

Item 6: The jury and the jury meeting

All completed entries received by 4th September 2024 will be submitted to the MIPIM Asia Awards Jury, an independent body of real estate professionals selected by the Organiser.

The jury will meet in September to review the received entries and shortlist 3 winners in each of the 11 categories mentioned in item 1.

The results will be announced to the entrants shortly after the jury meeting by email.

The jury can in total independence, base its selection on various and unlimited criteria such as:

  •  Overall sustainability
  •  Integration of the project in its environment and community
  •  Quality of the user experience
  •  Economic contribution
  •  Originality of the concept
  •  Architectural qualities

The jury is allowed to move any entry to a more appropriate category and consequently judge it in that category.

The entrant will be informed by email of this change.

The jury has also the right to remove a category if they consider that the submitted entries do not ensure a sufficient level of quality The jury’s decision is final and will not have to be justified.

Item 7: Winners and visual elements

Winners will be asked to provide additional visuals that will be displayed during the MIPIM Asia Awards Gala Dinner. The Organiser reserves the right to choose which elements will be displayed and modify these elements if needed to guarantee the quality of the event.

Winners accept that all project information, including photographs and other materials provided, may be forwarded to third parties for the purposes of conducting the onsite vote, organising the ceremony and promoting the MIPIM Asia Awards. Winners also certify and guarantee that they have been authorised to this end by potential co creators or third parties.

Winners shall hold the Organiser harmless from and against any risk of claims or actions by third parties, both during and after the performance of the Competition on the grounds of an infringement of their rights, in particular as regards the intellectual property rights in the elements supplied by the Winners under the terms of these Rules. To this end, the Winners hereby agree to hold the Organiser harmless from and against any claim, of any kind whatsoever, issued by one of its employees, workers or third parties. In the event that proceedings are issued against the Organiser, all duties, costs, fees and damages that it may be ordered to pay shall be borne by the Winners only.

Winners commit to provide the Organiser with the name of the photographer (photo credit).

For a period of five (5) years, for any informational, promotional, marketing and/or commercial purposes, the Organiser may:

  • photograph and make video or audio recordings of the MIPIM Asia Awards (hereinafter referred to as the "Recording") ;
  • broadcast, live or deferred, the Recording of the MIPIM Asia Awards on tangible or intangible media platforms, including media networks and the Internet (Facebook or YouTube);
  • adapt the Recording to be included within a compilation of other contents of MIPIM – notably for Continuing Professional Development purposes - and represent, reproduce, distribute and market the said compilation;
  • communicate the Recording on all tangible or intangible media known or unknown at this time, notably digital media and internet (in particular, the websites tradeshows and its partners and related promotional social media as YouTube branded channel, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or other), and on any other promotional or marketing tool it may use, being specified that the Organiser will not be held liable for uses of whatever nature that may be made by web surfers of the Recording appearing on these websites.

Item 8: Competition prizes

In addition to the awards given to the category winners, a Special Jury Award will be granted to the jury’s favourite project among all.

Item 9: Voting process and results

Before and during MIPIM Asia Summit, the winners’ projects will be submitted to a vote by the MIPIM Asia community who will vote for their favourite project in each of the 13 categories.

Online vote: One month before MIPIM Asia Summit, the MIPIM Asia community will receive an invitation email to vote with their personal access code. Each delegate has one vote. If a delegate votes several times, only the last vote will count. 

On-site vote: At MIPIM Asia Summit, the winners will be showcased in the MIPIM Asia Awards Gallery. Delegates will be able to vote with their badge number. If a delegate has already voted online or votes several times on site, only the last vote will count.The on-site vote will be open from 3 December, 2024 (9.00) to 4 December, 2024 (noon).

Final results: The online and on-site vote from the MIPIM Asia community will represent 1/3 of the final results and the jury's vote will represent the remaining 2/3. The final results will determine the ranking Gold, Silver and Bronze of each category winner.

In the event of a tie between two or more projects, the president of the jury will make a decision in the presence of an Organiser representative.

Any  situation outside the Organiser’s control and/ or any Force Majeure event, does not allow organising MIPIM Asia Summit physically in Hong Kong, the on-site vote shall be cancelled and may be replaced by an online vote.

Item 10: MIPIM Asia Awards Gala Dinner

The Gold, Silver and Bronze winners will be announced during the MIPIM Asia Awards Gala Dinner to be held on 4 December 2024 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Hong Kong.

If MIPIM Asia Summit is not physically held in Hong Kong, the MIPIM Asia awards ceremony shall be held online or postponed. In the first case, it will be entirely live streamed on the MIPIM Asia website.

The awards ceremony will be photographed and recorded for the purposes of promoting the MIPIM Asia Awards, the winners and their project(s). Winners authorise the Organiser and their representatives to photograph and film the ceremony directly or indirectly, including their likenesses and voices, together with any elements related to their projects as mentioned under Items 4 and 7 above, and to reproduce and broadcast those photographs and videos to the public by any means, including the www.mipim-asia.com website for promotional purposes.

Item 11: MIPIM Asia Awards Gala Dinner attendance

If MIPIM Asia Summit is held physically, each winner must send at least one official project representative to the MIPIM Asia Awards Gala Dinner to receive its award on stage.

If MIPIM Asia Summit is held virtually, each winner must have at least one official project representative attending the ceremony online.

In both cases, all winners will be asked to make a short thank you speech.

Item 12: Force Majeure

In the event of force majeure or unforeseen circumstances resulting in the impossibility of organising MIPIM Asia, the MIPIM Asia Awards ceremony will remain and be postponed or held virtually.

"Force Majeure" means any health, climate, economic, political or social situation at the local, national or international level: (i) which could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of entering into the participation contract, (ii) which is beyond the control of the parties, and (iii) which precludes the performance of the parties' obligations, and, in particular, the holding of the event, or which poses a risk of disturbances likely to seriously affect the organisation and the smooth running of the event or the safety of persons and property.

Item 13: Privacy

The Organiser collects entrants’ personal data by the present document or during participation of the event, (attended places or events, services operated). The data is processed by the Organiser for the purposes of caring out its contractual obligations (notably customer’s data base management, events, services and ticketing management, invoicing and cash collection management) and promoting its activity, in accordance with the following disposition and the Organiser Privacy Policy (https://privacy.reedexpo.com/en-gb.html).

Such data is stored for a maximum duration of 5 years.

This personal data can be:

  • integrated into the online database available to Participants to enable them to prepare the event, promote their business and schedule their business appointments within the event. In this respect, Participants undertake not to use the data for any other purposes. the Organiser reserves the right to stop by any means any disturbance caused by any forbidden use of personal data;
  • transmitted to sub processors that have undertaken to comply with Data Protection Laws requirement such as companies belonging to the same group, in particular the companies of the RELX group, service providers and partners, who may be located outside the European Economic Area;
  • communicated to Participants, such as speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, who can be located outside the European Economic Area to carry out commercial prospecting;
  • used on all distribution and promotional media in connection with the relevant event including over the internet;
  • processed for distribution and promotional analysis (profiling, targeting).

As a data controller, the Organiser have implemented and maintain appropriate technical and organizational measures in such a manner that its processing of personal data meet the requirement of French and European Data Protection Laws and in particular GDPR.

Entrants may exercise their right to access, obtain, correct and oppose the use of your personal data by writing to Privacy Centre webform https://privacy.reedexpo.com/en-gb/privacy-centre.html.

Item 14: Claims

Registering and competing for the MIPIM Asia Awards implies full acceptance of the present Rules. The Rules and the MIPIM Asia Awards are governed by French law.

If no amicable settlement can be reached, any dispute arising in connection with the construction and/or performance of the Rules as well as said Awards shall fall under the jurisdiction of the Commercial Court of Paris, which is expressly acknowledged and agreed by the parties.